CSS, HTML, Microsoft, Technical, Visual Studio

Applying Style Sheets in Microsoft Visual Studio 2005

When trying to attach style sheets in Visual Studio I was wondering if there is an easier way to do so rather than typing the entire markup in the HTML view.

Check this out…

– Open up the Designer view of the page you want to apply the style

– From the Solution Explorer just drag and drop the CSS file on to a blank area of the screen

– A black border around the designer view indicates that the change is being applied

– Once done, you can see the changes on the fly!

I should have guessed that one 🙂


Check out Blogmailr.com

I have just signed up on http://www.blogmailr.com

Its a free service from Telligent systems, the makers of Telligent Community Server.

I’ve always wanted to blog. But the idea of logging in to a blog site to post something is not what i fancy.

BlogMailr.com allows you to publish directly to your favorite blog just by sending a mail.

This post is from my gmail account. I never logged into wordpress for this. This is cool and it works!

To know more check out: https://www.blogmailr.com and for a list of supported blogs: http://www.blogmailr.com/supported-blogs/

The catch is in the free service, a link saying “Published with Blogmailr” is added to every single post. If you do not want the same you can opt in for the premium account. But for the ease of use matters and the link back.. well i can live with that.

Hopefully this service will allow me to post more on my blog!


Hello world!

This is my first post as you all would have guessed by now!

A place for me to share my thoughts and opinions maybe even others. Consider this my dashboard for information. Just a place for me to keep things organized. I hope the posts to be varied and not tied down to a specific category.

 I am a Software developer trying to find my way out through the crowd. This is my journey…